Alex as Well by Alyssa Brugman
Title: Alex as Well Author: Alyssa Brugman Original Publication Date: 2013 Original Publisher: Text Publishing Company Queer Representation: 1 intersex protagonist, 1 bisexual supporting character Page Length: 214 First published in Australia and then later in the United States, Alex as Well may very well be the first representation of intersex identity in Young Adult literature Memorable Quote: “There are moments in life when something happens and it changes everything forever. You make one decision and after that you can’t go back. It doesn’t even have to be a big thing.” Review: After an incident that occurs in his high school and the decision to stop taking the pills his parents say that he needs, Alex makes…
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Title: Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda Author: Becky Albertalli Original Publication Date: 2015 Original Publisher: Balzer +Bray Queer Representation: 1 teenage gay protagonist, 1 unknown gay character, 2 gay minor characters Page Length: 303 Simon is a lovable and witty character that we can all relate to, and his story is the first queer YA novel to be made into a major motion picture Memorable Quote: “Why is straight the default? Everyone should have to declare one way or another, and it shouldn’t be this big awkward thing whether you’re straight, gay, bi, or whatever. I’m just saying.” Review: Imagine being a gay teenager dealing with life in the closet. Imagine that the only person who knows…