CWPA 2019
On the origins of Queer Book List…
“There is an old saying in Indiana, “Bit by bit our sweaters we knit,” that says a lot about the evolution of GLBTQ literature. Like the knitting of a sweater, it has been a similarly slow, sometimes tedious and often incremental process plagued by more than a few dropped stitches along the way. But despite the occasional setbacks, progress has been made” (Cart and Jenkins, 2006, p. 165).
- Queer Book List was born out of the early stages of my preparation for my Orals exam.
- At the time of starting the site, the only comprehensive list of queer young adult novels that I was aware of was Michael Cart and Christine Jenkins’ The Heart Has Its Reasons, published in 2006.
- As I began to build on Cart and Jenkins’ work and discover more contemporary texts, I felt that it was important to share this information
A growing resource…
- Queer Book List began primarily as a catalog of queer young adult novels.
- In addition to cataloging, my goal was to post reviews of the books that I was reading
- As I began to think about the project more, I realized that my primary interest and goal was to turn Queer Book List into an educational resource
- The first major expansion to Queer Book List came in the form of the resources tab, where I provide educational resources for both instructors and students at the high school and university level
- Most recently, the website has been expanded to include a Blog section, where I can discuss topics that I think are important and hopefully create a community.
Looking forward…
- Finally unveiling the adult page
- A new section on the site devoted to academic and theoretical texts
- A section that looks at archival material
- An annotated syllabus
- More educational resources
- More and different reviews
- New blogs covering topics such as: author interviews, queering the freshman comp class, and what makes a text queer
- And more