Alex as Well by Alyssa Brugman
Title: Alex as Well Author: Alyssa Brugman Original Publication Date: 2013 Original Publisher: Text Publishing Company Queer Representation: 1 intersex protagonist, 1 bisexual supporting character Page Length: 214 First published in Australia and then later in the United States, Alex as Well may very well be the first representation of intersex identity in Young Adult literature Memorable Quote: “There are moments in life when something happens and it changes everything forever. You make one decision and after that you can’t go back. It doesn’t even have to be a big thing.” Review: After an incident that occurs in his high school and the decision to stop taking the pills his parents say that he needs, Alex makes…
Dance on My Grave by Aidan Chambers
Title: Dance on My Grave Author: Aiden Chambers Original Publication Date: 1982 Original Publisher: Bodley Head Queer Representation: 1 teenage gay protagonist, 1 (bisexual/queer) love interest Page Length: 253 Hal, both in relation to Barry and on his own, is a psychologically rich character worthy of deeper thought and examination Memorable Quote: “Maybe I loved him. I thought I did. As much as I knew what the word means. How do you ever know? I used to think I would know when it happened. Know immediately, without having to wonder about it.” Review: When Hal Robinson capsizes in his classmate’s boat that he borrowed, he is rescued by Barry Gorman. Barry is a few years older than…
Happy Endings Are All Alike by Sandra Scoppettone
Title: Happy Endings Are All Alike Author: Sandra Scoppettone Original Publication Date: 1978 Original Publisher: Page Length: 200 Queer Representation: 2 teenage lesbian protagonists An early queer young adult book that moves beyond the two romantic leads to show the supposed impact of being queer on an entire small town. Memorable Quote: “And so what if happy endings didn’t exist? Happy moments did.” REVIEW: The heart of this novel lies in the Scoppettone’s ability to make dynamic and interesting characters. Jaret and Peggy initially disliked each other, but when their mutual friend forced them into the same room, they quickly became inseparable. It was not long after that they realized they were…
I’ll Get There. It Better be Worth the Trip by John Donovan
Title: I’ll Get There. It Better be Worth the Trip Author: James Donovan Original Publication Date: June 1969 Original Publisher: Harper & Row Page Length: 199 Queer Representation: 2 possibly gay teenage boy protagonists Widely regarded as the first ever novel to explicitly address themes of queerness meant for a young adult audience, I’ll Get There, is certainly worth the read, even if some of the elements now seem outdated and problematic. Memorable Quote: “Then Father talks a lot about how hysterical people sometimes get when they discover that other people aren’t just what they are expected to be. He tells me there are Republicans who are always secretly disappointed when friends…